Below is a list of our teams for this Spring 2022:

GIRLS (17 teams competing in the Spring)

G06 Red JWG07 Red DMG08 Red MSG08 White RA

G09 Red RLG09 White HHG10 Red BDG10 White JH

G11 Red MSG11 White NDG12 Red KOG12 White KO

G13 Red KCG13 White NHG14 Red TTG14 White TT

G15 Red TT

BOYS (20 teams competing in the Spring)

B04 HSP AGB06 HSP CSB08 Red JMB08 White MC

B09 Red JLB09 White RLB10 Red AMB10 White JS

B10 Gold MCB11 Red ZLB11 White RWB12 Red TN

B12 White DBB12 Gold CCB13 Red SPB13 White MC

B14 Red NAB14 White TSB15 Red LCB15 White LC
